Old Gatesburg Road


  • Survey
  • Easement Right-of-Way Plans
  • Base Mapping
  • Courthouse Research
  • Utility Coordination
  • Permitting
  • New Roadway and Roundabout
  • Reconfigured Intersection and Interchange
  • New Turning Lane
  • Traffic Control
  • Erosion Control/NPDES Permitting


Ferguson Township and Pine Hall Development Corporation, Centre County

Project Details

This project involved a 3500’ roadway extension on new alignment between Blue Course Drive and Science Park Road in State College, and includes a 110’ Urban Compact Roundabout at the intersection with Pine Hall Road.

The roadway is a boulevard type urban collector designed to accommodate transit, motor vehicles, pedestrians, commercial, and retail vendors of the proposed Pine Hall Development through which the roadway traverses. On-street parking provides a traffic calming while a wide, a planted median improves aesthetics and provides pedestrian refuge.

The project also involved constructing approximately 625’ of Pine Hall Road from its existing limits south of Old Gatesburg Road, and the relocation of an existing intersection along Blue Course Drive.


I probably don’t say this enough, but we so appreciate the quality of work Keller Engineers does. The fact that they include building footprints and natural features makes these surveys super useful. I’m reminding my colleagues in other counties that their surveyors need to up their quality. F. Mark Schiavone, Executive Director Berkeley County Farmland Protection Board

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