Green Township Water Tank

Well Development, Treatment Facilities, Water Line Extension, Storage Tank, Booster Station, Pressure Control Station, and Dam Removal


  • Grant and Funding Applications
  • Survey
  • Mapping Control
  • Easement Right-of-Way Plans
  • Base Mapping
  • Courthouse Research
  • Utility Coordination
  • Wetlands Stakeout
  • Design of Water Treatment and Pumping Facilities
  • Design of Storage, Distribution, and Transmission
  • Rate and Tap Fee Analysis
  • Well Development
  • Permitting
  • Bidding Services
  • Construction Inspection and Management


Green Township Municipal Authority, Indiana County

Project Details

This project included the expansion of the existing water system to serve 350 customers of the Starford and Lovejoy areas of Green Township. The expansion consisted of approximately 35,000 LF of 8” water main. The water is supplied by new wells developed to replace existing surface water reservoirs in Commodore and Cookport. The wells have permitted capacities of 75 and 100 gallons per minute respectively. The project also included a booster pump/pressure reducing building that allows the water to flow back and forth through the upper and lower pressure zones.

A new 136,000-gallon water storage tank was constructed, and the existing Commodore tank was repainted. Approximately 140 customers were added to the system as part of the project.


I probably don’t say this enough, but we so appreciate the quality of work Keller Engineers does. The fact that they include building footprints and natural features makes these surveys super useful. I’m reminding my colleagues in other counties that their surveyors need to up their quality. F. Mark Schiavone, Executive Director Berkeley County Farmland Protection Board

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